11 Best Places for an International Family Vacation


To find the best places in the world to travel with kids, we went right to the experts—all those well-traveled parents that have seen the world, sometimes many times over, with kids in tow. We were looking for places that had a combination of fun stuff to do, a sense of adventure while being safe, kid-friendly attitudes, and were also relatively not too challenging to travel around with kids.

Without further ado, here are 11 of the best places around the world to travel with your kids.

11 Best Places for an International Family Vacation


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  1. Thanks for this article! My husband and I have been searching for the best international destination for our family. We have a toddler and a 5 yr old, so these recommendations sound really perfect!

  2. It depends on what color you you Amsterdam was not at all friendly to our multiracial family.It’s really blunt and in your face.

  3. Loved reading this and would really like to visit a lot of the places that you mentioned. I think Amsterdam was the only one I’d been to before. Given what you said about Stockholm being great due to being a walkable city, I think I’d also recommend Talinn (capital of Estonia). I went to it on a day trip from Helsinki a few years back and couldn’t get over how beautiful it was. There are both beaches and forests within a few minutes of the city, so plenty of places for getting out and about if you fancy exploring. I’d love to go back there and may well do so.

  4. I’m sorry that you made this experience, Jane. I have many multiracial friends who visit Amsterdam regularly and like it. Maybe you could tell us more about your experience? Where did this happen, what were the circumstances? I know that in some parts of NL – like in every country – people are less openminded.

  5. Two of the places I remember enjoying most when I was small were Denmark and Singapore. Denmark is good because of Lego-Land and one particularly good children’s Hans Christian Anderson museum, while Singapore is good because there’s simply so much to do!

  6. We’ve been to a bunch of places on the list and Singapore and Costa Rica are definitely two we love. I hope we can travel to Turkey and Belize one of these days. Great list!


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