Fall Picture Frame from Fallen Leaves


Take your kids for a walk outside and collect some leaves in the spirit of fall!
Paint and paintbrush
Ruler or anything that can be used to draw a straight line
1. Collect some freshly fallen leaves, not yet too brittle.
2. Allow the leave to flatten overnight between the pages of a book.
3. Lay the leaves out on a piece of newspaper, backside up.
4. On the backside of the leaf (where the veins are), let the kids paint a thin layer of paint.
5. Draw a 2 to 3 inch border (or however thick you want the frame) around the paper that will become your frame. Press the leaf down within the border to make a stamp. Put another piece of paper over the stamp and rub your hand across all areas of the leaf, making sure each point touches the paper.
6. Lift first the paper and then the leaf off and voila! You have made your first stamp.
7. Repeat using different colored stamps all the way around the paper.
8. Place a photo or anything else in the middle that you would like to frame.


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