Three Kings Craft: Make a Crown – A DIY for Kids


The Three Kings, also known as the three wise men, tres magos or tres reyes, historically walked to Bethlehem over 12 days. To commemorate the Three Kings, make some crowns. All kids like dressing up, especially as royalty, so indulge their pretend play aspirations.

three king craft
Image Credit: Flickr

How to make a Crown: Three Kings Craft


  • Any color construction paper or poster board
  • Any shiny materials you have around the house and/or fake jewels
  • Ribbon
  • Glue


  1. Cut a strip of construction paper into a 2-3 inch band, making triangular points along the top.
  2. Cut out some shapes from shiny materials you have around the house—think leftover candy wrappers, tin foil, etc. and glue them onto the crown. If you have any plastic jewels, these also work well as a decoration. Other possibilities for designing are to give your kids some glue, a Q-tip and glitter, and let them make their own designs.
  3. Glue a strip of ribbon around the bottom.
  4. Wrap the strip of paper around your child’s head to determine the size. You may need to cut out an additional strip to make the crown longer. Glue the ends together in a circle.
  5. Your kids now have a crown!

Hope these instruction have helped you kid to create some beautiful Crown crafts. You can also check more crafting ideas here. If you want to share your own crafts, then feel free to comment below. We would love to hear from you.



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