Top 10 Ways to Party With Your Child


1. Throw a birthday party for them every year: children love to be celebrated.
2. If a party seems daunting you can follow the age rule of thumb: one guest per year of the child’s life.
3. Combine sleepovers with formal adult dinners: the children will love having lots of friends to play with and adults can relax and share the childcare.
4. At music festivals a useful gauge of volume is as long as you can hear yourself speak in a normal voice the music is probably not too loud for your child’s ears.
5. Buy ear defenders for use at music festivals and other noisy gatherings.
6. Try to have two adults per child going to any sort of fair or festival if possible.
7. Bring children to functions in the early evening occasionally: children benefit from exposure to things at different times and places. Make sure that they are well fed and be prepared to leave before they get overtired.
8. Sit in the back, near the door at the end of a row—handy in case you need to make a sharp exit. Children may also find it less overwhelming than being right at the front and close to the stage.
9. Take your children to watch other children perform: they find it inspiring.
10. Make the effort to go out even when you are tired. The change of scene can provide you with renewed energy and leave you and your child with lots of things to talk and get excited about.


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