Raising Bilingual Children in Non-Native Language: Tools for Parents

So your kids have a ton of target-language DVDs, books, websites and toys to fast-track their bilingualism, but what about you, the parent? If the target language isn't your native one, you'll be wanting to maintain and improve it any chance you get.

Dinner in Multicultural Families

They say the last holdout of cultural assimilation can be found in the refrigerator, or the kitchen cupboards.

The Season of Stars

It is the season of stars--the star that led the magi to the Christ child; the Star of David, central symbol of the Jewish people, which shines so brightly on the world during the celebration of Hanukkah; and the nine-pointed Baha'i star that rises a little later in the winter season, in February, during Ayyam-i-Ha, the five days of hospitality and gift-giving that precede the Baha'i fast.

Parenting Against Society

Do you raise our children for the society we hope one day exists or with the skills to fit into our current one? Where is the balance struck?

Late Speaker and Bilingual? Changing a Common Belief

Popular wisdom would have it that bilingual children are generally late speakers. It was certainly my experience when my son at three didn't speak but a few words. People around me would tell me oh, don't worry it's because he's bilingual. My own doctor told me there was no need for concern as my son was learning two languages at the same time.

Real Intercultural Family in Thailand: Portuguese, Cantonese, Thai and Japanese

This fascinating family incorporates Brazilian, Japanese, Cantonese and Thai cultures into one.